The average house price on GREENBURY CLOSE is £441,483
The most expensive house in the street is CLEARVIEW GREENBURY CLOSE with an estimated value of £567,501
The cheapest house in the street is LANTERNA GREENBURY CLOSE with an estimated value of £360,791
The house which was most recently sold was SENRAH GREENBURY CLOSE, this sold on 11 Sep 2020 for £370,000
The postcode for GREENBURY CLOSE is RG23 8DH
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
CLEARVIEW GREENBURY CLOSE Detached £567,501 £289,000 30 Jul 2004
LANTERNA GREENBURY CLOSE Detached £360,791 £194,000 17 Jun 2005
LARKFIELD GREENBURY CLOSE Detached , 114 m2 £426,196 £250,000 2 Nov 2012
NAMOR GREENBURY CLOSE Detached , 86 m2 £410,345 £285,000 24 Aug 2015
SENRAH GREENBURY CLOSE Detached , 88 m2 £442,583 £370,000 11 Sep 2020