The average house price on HAZEL GILL is £103,246
The most expensive house in the street is 45 HAZEL GILL with an estimated value of £129,517
The cheapest house in the street is 31 HAZEL GILL with an estimated value of £54,926
The house which was most recently sold was 12 HAZEL GILL, this sold on 18 Aug 2023 for £125,000
The postcode for HAZEL GILL is LA14 4BD
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
7 HAZEL GILL Terraced , 82 m2 £56,137 £37,500 8 Jan 2015
8 HAZEL GILL Terraced , 84 m2 £106,498 £57,500 1 Jul 2005
10 HAZEL GILL Terraced , 87 m2 £117,053 £87,000 8 Jun 2016
11 HAZEL GILL Terraced , 83 m2 £113,192 £69,950 2 Apr 2007
12 HAZEL GILL Terraced £127,296 £125,000 18 Aug 2023
16 HAZEL GILL Terraced £121,352 £70,000 19 Sep 2008
31 HAZEL GILL Terraced £54,926 £29,000 10 Jan 2005
45 HAZEL GILL Terraced £129,517 £120,000 3 Dec 2021