The average house price on MOLLINGTON LANE is £1,017,540
The most expensive house in the street is MANOR COTTAGE MOLLINGTON LANE with an estimated value of £1,330,974
The cheapest house in the street is HONEYBEE COTTAGE MOLLINGTON LANE with an estimated value of £345,810
The house which was most recently sold was COBWEB COTTAGE MOLLINGTON LANE, this sold on 25 Nov 2021 for £1,175,000
The postcodes for MOLLINGTON LANE are OX17 1BS, OX17 1HY
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
BROOKLANDS MOLLINGTON LANE Detached £1,054,558 £587,000 14 Sep 2009
COBWEB COTTAGE MOLLINGTON LANE Detached , 274 m2 £1,280,186 £1,175,000 25 Nov 2021
HONEYBEE COTTAGE MOLLINGTON LANE Detached £345,810 £275,000 4 Apr 2018
MANOR COTTAGE MOLLINGTON LANE Detached £1,330,974 £260,000 31 Jul 1997
PLUM LODGE MOLLINGTON LANE Detached £1,076,175 £695,000 12 Jun 2014