The average house price on OAK TREE CLOSE is £406,586
The most expensive house in the street is TY-WIWER OAK TREE CLOSE with an estimated value of £469,461
The cheapest house in the street is OAK HOUSE OAK TREE CLOSE with an estimated value of £374,364
The house which was most recently sold was OAK HOUSE OAK TREE CLOSE, this sold on 7 Nov 2019 for £303,000
The postcode for OAK TREE CLOSE is SA18 2GX
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 OAK TREE CLOSE Detached , 168 m2 £375,935 £290,000 15 May 2017
OAK HOUSE OAK TREE CLOSE Detached , 204 m2 £374,364 £303,000 7 Nov 2019
TY-WIWER OAK TREE CLOSE Detached , 220 m2 £469,461 £305,000 16 Jul 2014