The average house price on ST JAMESS GROVE is £443,735
The most expensive house in the street is 6 ST JAMESS GROVE with an estimated value of £618,847
The cheapest house in the street is 1 ST JAMESS GROVE with an estimated value of £311,507
The house which was most recently sold was 6 ST JAMESS GROVE, this sold on 26 Nov 2021 for £568,000
The postcode for ST JAMESS GROVE is WA14 5AL
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 ST JAMESS GROVE Semi-Detached £311,507 £200,000 20 May 2014
2 ST JAMESS GROVE Semi-Detached £436,422 £99,950 28 Jul 1999
3 ST JAMESS GROVE Semi-Detached £406,339 £171,000 13 Jun 2003
4 ST JAMESS GROVE Semi-Detached £317,632 £172,000 12 Aug 2005
5 ST JAMESS GROVE Semi-Detached £506,475 £332,000 22 Aug 2014
6 ST JAMESS GROVE Semi-Detached £618,847 £568,000 26 Nov 2021
8 ST JAMESS GROVE Semi-Detached £437,459 £236,000 5 Jun 2009
10 ST JAMESS GROVE Semi-Detached £515,204 £137,500 14 Jul 2000