The average house price on MALRAE is £564,034
The most expensive house in the street is 4 MALRAE with an estimated value of £847,193
The cheapest house in the street is 3 MALRAE with an estimated value of £459,472
The house which was most recently sold was 6 MALRAE, this sold on 7 Feb 2019 for £390,000
The postcode for MALRAE is WA15 9LZ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 MALRAE Flats/Maisonettes £606,020 £315,000 8 Sep 2004
2 MALRAE Flats/Maisonettes £510,276 £375,000 23 Mar 2016
3 MALRAE Flats/Maisonettes £459,472 £295,000 12 May 2014
4 MALRAE Flats/Maisonettes £847,193 £199,950 30 Sep 1999
5 MALRAE Flats/Maisonettes £475,923 £290,000 12 Feb 2007
6 MALRAE Flats/Maisonettes £485,321 £390,000 7 Feb 2019