The average house price on WARDWAY is £446,219
The most expensive house in the street is UPLANDS WARDWAY with an estimated value of £490,649
The cheapest house in the street is WARDWAY HOUSE WARDWAY with an estimated value of £382,859
The house which was most recently sold was UPLANDS WARDWAY, this sold on 31 Mar 2022 for £470,000
The postcode for WARDWAY is CA9 3AP
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
MONTROSE WARDWAY Detached £420,830 £220,000 28 Oct 2004
NETHER LEYS WARDWAY Detached , 113 m2 £490,541 £99,000 18 Nov 1997
UPLANDS WARDWAY Detached , 177 m2 £490,649 £470,000 31 Mar 2022
WARDWAY HOUSE WARDWAY Detached , 170 m2 £382,859 £240,000 14 Feb 2014