The average house price on ESPALONE is £434,610
The most expensive house in the street is THUNESE ESPALONE with an estimated value of £592,001
The cheapest house in the street is KILLAVENT ESPALONE with an estimated value of £247,748
The house which was most recently sold was HUNTERS LEAP ESPALONE, this sold on 25 Jul 2018 for £307,500
The postcode for ESPALONE is SA3 3AH
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
DUNVEGAN ESPALONE Semi-Detached £514,800 £320,000 10 May 2007
HUNTERS LEAP ESPALONE Detached £383,892 £307,500 25 Jul 2018
KILLAVENT ESPALONE Detached £247,748 £50,000 19 Nov 1997
THUNESE ESPALONE Semi-Detached £592,001 £355,000 14 Dec 2006