The average house price on BROMPTON GROVE is £240,529
The most expensive house in the street is 3 BROMPTON GROVE with an estimated value of £347,959
The cheapest house in the street is 5 BROMPTON GROVE with an estimated value of £168,719
The house which was most recently sold was 5 BROMPTON GROVE, this sold on 8 Sep 2023 for £165,000
The postcode for BROMPTON GROVE is TS18 5HF
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 BROMPTON GROVE Semi-Detached £235,198 £185,000 6 Oct 2017
1 BROMPTON GROVE Semi-Detached , 103 m2 £237,389 £140,500 3 Apr 2013
3 BROMPTON GROVE Detached , 63 m2 £347,959 £280,000 5 Dec 2018
4 BROMPTON GROVE Semi-Detached £213,381 £62,995 27 Jul 2001
5 BROMPTON GROVE Semi-Detached £168,719 £165,000 8 Sep 2023