The average house price on TROW is £722,719
The most expensive house in the street is HIGH CREEK TROW with an estimated value of £1,070,718
The cheapest house in the street is THE THATCHED COTTAGE TROW with an estimated value of £494,197
The house which was most recently sold was HIGH CREEK TROW, this sold on 22 Mar 2017 for £820,000
The postcodes for TROW are EX10 0PB, EX10 0PA
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
HIGH CREEK TROW Detached £1,070,718 £820,000 22 Mar 2017
THE THATCHED COTTAGE TROW Detached £494,197 £151,250 19 Oct 2001
TURNPIKE COTTAGE TROW Detached £603,244 £430,000 5 Nov 2015