The average house price on ECCUP LANE is £1,108,065
The most expensive house in the street is THE OLD BARN ECCUP LANE with an estimated value of £1,766,750
The cheapest house in the street is HIGH LEAS THE BUNGALOW ECCUP LANE with an estimated value of £449,380
The house which was most recently sold was THE OLD BARN ECCUP LANE, this sold on 19 Oct 2021 for £1,585,000
The postcodes for ECCUP LANE are LS16 8AJ, LS16 8AH
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
HIGH LEAS THE BUNGALOW ECCUP LANE Detached £449,380 £335,000 1 Jul 2016
THE OLD BARN ECCUP LANE Detached , 433 m2 £1,766,750 £1,585,000 19 Oct 2021