The average house price on CHESAPEAKE CLOSE is £342,170
The most expensive house in the street is HIGHFIELD CHESAPEAKE CLOSE with an estimated value of £409,582
The cheapest house in the street is GRANGELANDS CHESAPEAKE CLOSE with an estimated value of £299,598
The house which was most recently sold was CONWAY CHESAPEAKE CLOSE, this sold on 29 May 2019 for £263,000
The postcode for CHESAPEAKE CLOSE is IP9 1HH
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 CHESAPEAKE CLOSE Semi-Detached £337,884 £59,950 29 Mar 1995
CHERWELL CHESAPEAKE CLOSE Semi-Detached £314,301 £55,600 17 May 1996
CLEVES CHESAPEAKE CLOSE Detached £338,951 £196,000 8 Aug 2006
CONWAY CHESAPEAKE CLOSE Semi-Detached £327,511 £263,000 29 May 2019
GRANGELANDS CHESAPEAKE CLOSE Semi-Detached £299,598 £170,000 10 Oct 2008
HIGHFIELD CHESAPEAKE CLOSE Semi-Detached £409,582 £240,000 9 Jul 2010
MACKAY CHESAPEAKE CLOSE Semi-Detached £310,265 £101,995 28 Mar 2002
ST KILDA CHESAPEAKE CLOSE Semi-Detached £336,550 £265,000 17 Nov 2017
WYCHWOOD CHESAPEAKE CLOSE Detached £404,896 £237,000 2 Jun 2010