The average house price on NASHCOURT is £73,268
The most expensive house in the street is 27 NASHCOURT with an estimated value of £122,534
The cheapest house in the street is 30 NASHCOURT with an estimated value of £35,230
The house which was most recently sold was 36 NASHCOURT, this sold on 4 Mar 2019 for £60,000
The postcode for NASHCOURT is HU6 9TE
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
15 NASHCOURT Terraced , 77 m2 £42,476 £13,000 8 Oct 2001
25 NASHCOURT Terraced , 65 m2 £66,167 £53,000 27 Jul 2018
27 NASHCOURT Terraced , 91 m2 £122,534 £74,000 18 Jul 2008
28 NASHCOURT Terraced , 81 m2 £64,816 £50,000 2 May 2017
30 NASHCOURT Terraced , 77 m2 £35,230 £12,000 20 May 2002
31 NASHCOURT Terraced , 78 m2 £89,865 £67,000 11 Aug 2016
32 NASHCOURT Terraced , 70 m2 £90,386 £57,000 31 Mar 2014
36 NASHCOURT Terraced , 70 m2 £74,672 £60,000 4 Mar 2019