The average house price on WEIRSIDE is £265,557
The most expensive house in the street is WEIRSIDE BUNGALOW WEIRSIDE with an estimated value of £413,882
The cheapest house in the street is 25 WEIRSIDE with an estimated value of £207,006
The house which was most recently sold was WEIRSIDE BUNGALOW WEIRSIDE, this sold on 22 Oct 2015 for £292,000
The postcode for WEIRSIDE is HD7 6BU
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
21 WEIRSIDE Terraced £212,380 £88,000 14 Apr 2003
25 WEIRSIDE Terraced £207,006 £125,000 4 Sep 2013
27 WEIRSIDE Terraced £228,961 £48,000 3 Apr 1998
WEIRSIDE BUNGALOW WEIRSIDE Detached £413,882 £292,000 22 Oct 2015