The average house price on BARLEYFIELD is £524,779
The most expensive house in the street is P S L FREIGHT LTD BARLEYFIELD with an estimated value of £1,535,389
The cheapest house in the street is 21 - 22 BARLEYFIELD with an estimated value of £139,348
The house which was most recently sold was 21 - 22 BARLEYFIELD, this sold on 4 Nov 2022 for £140,000
The postcode for BARLEYFIELD is LE10 1YE
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
7 BARLEYFIELD Detached £587,379 £102,500 25 Sep 1995
12 BARLEYFIELD £905,024 £695,000 5 Apr 2017
17 - 18 BARLEYFIELD Semi-Detached £160,272 £129,600 27 Apr 2020
19 BARLEYFIELD Terraced £155,729 £125,000 30 Apr 2019
21 - 22 BARLEYFIELD £139,348 £140,000 4 Nov 2022
DIAMOND CABLE BARLEYFIELD Detached £190,314 £93,750 27 May 2004
P S L FREIGHT LTD BARLEYFIELD £1,535,389 £1,200,000 4 Aug 2017