The average house price on ST ANNES CLOSE is £287,284
The most expensive house in the street is 4 ST ANNES CLOSE with an estimated value of £347,256
The cheapest house in the street is 9 ST ANNES CLOSE with an estimated value of £248,408
The house which was most recently sold was 10 ST ANNES CLOSE, this sold on 26 Jan 2023 for £342,750
The postcode for ST ANNES CLOSE is GL3 4BZ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 ST ANNES CLOSE Semi-Detached £290,416 £225,000 5 Jun 2017
2 ST ANNES CLOSE Semi-Detached £257,400 £160,000 25 May 2007
3 ST ANNES CLOSE Semi-Detached £250,427 £153,000 15 Nov 2013
4 ST ANNES CLOSE Semi-Detached £347,256 £200,000 9 Nov 2011
5 ST ANNES CLOSE Semi-Detached £277,509 £215,000 14 Jun 2017
8 ST ANNES CLOSE Semi-Detached £283,190 £152,000 27 May 2009
9 ST ANNES CLOSE Semi-Detached £248,408 £150,000 9 Sep 2013
10 ST ANNES CLOSE Semi-Detached £343,668 £342,750 26 Jan 2023