The average house price on LOWBANDS is £642,176
The most expensive house in the street is BRICK BARN LOWBANDS with an estimated value of £769,851
The cheapest house in the street is CHAPEL HOUSE LOWBANDS with an estimated value of £533,635
The house which was most recently sold was BRICK BARN LOWBANDS, this sold on 1 Nov 2016 for £580,000
The postcodes for LOWBANDS are GL19 3NQ, GL19 3SL
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
BRICK BARN LOWBANDS £769,851 £580,000 1 Nov 2016
CHAPEL HOUSE LOWBANDS Detached £533,635 £320,000 18 Dec 2006
THE COTTAGE LOWBANDS Detached £538,806 £195,000 9 Aug 2002
THE OLD STORES LOWBANDS Detached £726,415 £128,000 29 Apr 1996