The average house price on ASTWITH is £627,473
The most expensive house in the street is HOLLY COTTAGE ASTWITH with an estimated value of £948,750
The cheapest house in the street is THE DOVE LOFT ASTWITH with an estimated value of £457,153
The house which was most recently sold was YEW TREE FARM ASTWITH, this sold on 9 Aug 2021 for £472,500
The postcode for ASTWITH is S45 8AN
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
BARN OWLS ROOST ASTWITH Detached £687,365 £415,000 23 Feb 2007
HOLLY COTTAGE ASTWITH Detached £948,750 £540,000 19 Jul 2006
MILLSTONE COTTAGE ASTWITH Detached £110,000 18 Nov 2010
THE CROFT ASTWITH Detached £508,032 £375,000 20 Jul 2016
THE DOVE LOFT ASTWITH Semi-Detached £457,153 £365,000 4 Oct 2018
THE GRANARY ASTWITH Detached £350,000 17 Jul 2008
YEW TREE FARM ASTWITH £536,065 £472,500 9 Aug 2021