
Nearest Sales Listed

DateCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidAddress
21 Dec 2023 £242,450 £235,000 20 THE GALLOPS
6 Jan 2023 £180,477 £179,995 78 COURTNEY PARK ROAD
14 Oct 2022 £408,635 £410,000 64 VOWLER ROAD
6 May 2022 £223,831 £218,000 52 COURTNEY PARK ROAD
8 Mar 2022 £255,764 £245,000 46 COURTNEY PARK ROAD
26 Nov 2021 £269,111 £247,000 6 COURTNEY PARK ROAD
12 Nov 2021 £136,190 £125,000 7 THE GALLOPS
27 Sep 2021 £303,959 £280,000 5 COURTNEY PARK ROAD
13 Sep 2021 £227,970 £210,000 21 THE GALLOPS
23 Jul 2021 £654,141 £565,000 61 VOWLER ROAD
13 Oct 2020 £307,259 £260,000 11 THE GALLOPS
13 Mar 2020 £285,138 £235,000 6 THE GALLOPS
11 Nov 2019 £407,723 £330,000 72 VOWLER ROAD
6 Aug 2018 £236,751 £190,000 34 THE GALLOPS
9 Jul 2018 £305,865 £245,000 2 THE GALLOPS
12 Feb 2018 £276,916 £220,000 9 THE GALLOPS
2 Feb 2018 £308,384 £245,000 63 COURTNEY PARK ROAD
30 Jan 2018 £543,662 £430,000 43 THE GALLOPS
15 Jun 2017 £296,870 £230,000 26 THE GALLOPS
20 Jan 2017 £247,484 £188,000 73 COURTNEY PARK ROAD