
Nearest Sales Listed

DateCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidAddress
28 Jun 2024 £62,000 £62,000 25 GREEN ROAD
10 May 2024 £365,000 £365,000 6 STAMFORD STREET
10 May 2024 £338,000 £338,000 9 STAMFORD STREET
12 Dec 2023 £170,231 £165,000 29 GREEN ROAD
19 Oct 2023 £162,695 £159,000 2 WARRINGTON STREET
6 Apr 2023 £78,977 £77,500 19 GREEN ROAD
19 Aug 2022 £203,954 £203,000 FLAT 5 TATTERSALL CRESCENT THE AVENUE
27 Apr 2022 £220,971 £213,000 4 WARRINGTON STREET
25 Apr 2022 £326,788 £315,000 49 THE AVENUE
11 Apr 2022 £406,047 £391,400 16 STAMFORD STREET
20 Dec 2021 £305,444 £283,000 23 STAMFORD STREET
17 Dec 2021 £264,430 £245,000 35 STAMFORD STREET
14 Dec 2021 £264,430 £245,000 13 STAMFORD STREET
2 Dec 2020 £323,739 £280,000 5 STAMFORD STREET
30 Oct 2020 £410,664 £347,500 12 STAMFORD STREET
31 Jul 2020 £347,174 £285,000 57 THE AVENUE
29 Nov 2019 £228,572 £185,000 20 WARRINGTON STREET
22 Nov 2019 £240,927 £195,000 26 WARRINGTON STREET
22 Jul 2019 £490,789 £395,000 30 GREEN ROAD
19 Jul 2019 £465,939 £375,000 4 STAMFORD STREET