
Nearest Sales Listed

DateCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidAddress
28 Jun 2024 £465,000 £465,000 AUTUMN VIEW AUTUMN DRIVE
22 May 2024 £325,000 £325,000 14 HENDON CLOSE
2 Oct 2023 £163,718 £160,000 2D OVAL ROAD
18 Aug 2023 £458,265 £450,000 8A THE DRIVE
10 Aug 2022 £271,268 £270,000 47 SUNNY CLOSE
19 Apr 2022 £289,441 £279,000 11 SUNNY CLOSE
8 Apr 2022 £228,233 £220,000 112 NORWICH ROAD
21 Mar 2022 £302,741 £290,000 4 THE DRIVE
28 Jan 2022 £344,564 £325,000 1 SANTOLINA CLOSE
21 Jan 2022 £291,555 £275,000 12 HENDON CLOSE
10 Dec 2021 £334,585 £310,000 108 NORWICH ROAD
1 Dec 2021 £222,337 £206,000 49 SUNNY CLOSE
5 Nov 2021 £266,932 £245,000 18 SUNNY CLOSE
1 Jul 2021 £277,865 £240,000 35 SUNNY CLOSE
25 Jun 2021 £261,570 £242,000 45 SUNNY CLOSE
7 Jun 2021 £418,295 £387,000 8 THE DRIVE
31 Mar 2021 £260,713 £232,500 69 NORWICH ROAD
15 Sep 2020 £233,253 £195,000 6 SUNNY CLOSE
13 May 2020 £1,607,771 £1,304,760 55A NORWICH ROAD
31 Jan 2020 £276,467 £225,000 4 SUNNY CLOSE