The average house price on ORCHARD CLOSE is £124,335
The most expensive house in the street is 1 ORCHARD CLOSE with an estimated value of £139,361
The cheapest house in the street is 3 ORCHARD CLOSE with an estimated value of £110,851
The house which was most recently sold was 3 ORCHARD CLOSE, this sold on 31 Mar 2023 for £109,000
The postcode for ORCHARD CLOSE is TS27 4DQ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 ORCHARD CLOSE Terraced £139,361 £90,000 13 Jun 2014
2 ORCHARD CLOSE Terraced £131,618 £85,000 13 Jun 2014
3 ORCHARD CLOSE Terraced £110,851 £109,000 31 Mar 2023
4 ORCHARD CLOSE Terraced £123,876 £80,000 20 Jun 2014
5 ORCHARD CLOSE Terraced £123,876 £80,000 20 Jun 2014
6 ORCHARD CLOSE Terraced £123,876 £80,000 20 Jun 2014
7 ORCHARD CLOSE Terraced £123,876 £80,000 20 Jun 2014
8 ORCHARD CLOSE Terraced £121,302 £80,000 5 Sep 2014
9 ORCHARD CLOSE Terraced £123,876 £80,000 20 Jun 2014
10 ORCHARD CLOSE Terraced £123,876 £80,000 20 Jun 2014
11 ORCHARD CLOSE Terraced £121,302 £80,000 29 Sep 2014